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The Goulburn Valley Osteopathic Clinic has been working alongside health professionals in this region since 2001 and prides itself on the high standard and diversity of care it continues to offer its patients.
The mind has great influence over the body and maladies often have their origin there.
Dr. T O’Callaghan, Osteopath
Tara has spent the majority of her career working in Regional Victoria and has developed a great understanding of what makes regional areas
Dr. Olivia Fontana, Osteopath
Olivia is another fellow country-bred Osteopath who now devotes her time between here and Melbourne.
Debbie Bertone, Sr. Receptionist
Debbie commenced at the clinic as part of our Reception Team in 2014. She comes to us having had a previous back-ground in Nursing.
Melena Martino, Jr. Receptionist
Melena commenced in Reception in 2016, having had extensive experience in Reception and Administration roles
Drop us a line, ask for Tara and we’ll look forward to having a chat!