Osteopathy uses a holistic approach in addressing an individual, it focuses not only on the problem area but considers the impact other body regions and systems may have to your complaint. Osteopathy uses manual techniques focused on total body health, treating and strengthening the musculoskeletal framework and promoting the effects of the nervous, circulatory and lymphatic systems. It aims to address both existing injuries and assisting in the prevention of further injury.
An Osteopath treats complaints of the body framework using a variety of hands on techniques including Soft tissue therapy (Massage), Articulation (Movement), Mobilisation, Manipulation, Stretching and Strengthening. The aim of using these techniques is to improve function, or motion, to the body. It can be applied to all parts of the body and can be effective on the musculoskeletal system including the spine and other joints.
In addressing concerns further an Osteopath may discuss maintaining good posture and breathing, ergonomics, stress management, appropriate lifestyle modifications, a healthy diet and exercise.
We encourage individuals to be proactive in managing injuries and ailments, but are happy to provide assistance when this approach doesn’t work. The prevention of injuries means less time off work or from doing what you want to do the most, therefore more time can be spent being active, socialising and enjoying the benefits of good health. It is very important to be aware of how injuries can occur and what you can do to avoid them.