A usual Initial Osteopathic Consultation consists of a Case History, a detailed Osteopathic Examination and Treatment if appropriate, usually lasting between 30mins and 1hour depending on your condition. You will be asked about your complaint, your medical history, any medications that you take and other questions your Osteopath may need answered in working out the best way forward that may not appear directly related to your problem. You will then undergo an examination and clinical testing relevant to your complaint. This may involve your Osteopath asking you to perform some movements and may necessitate you removing some clothing down to your underwear, you will be offered a gown should you require one. As Osteopathy takes a whole of body approach to treatment, the examination will involve assessment of other regions of the body as well as the complaint. For example if you have a sore neck, your Osteopath may also look at your shoulders, ribcage, back and pelvic girdle.
Following your examination your Osteopath will develop and discuss with you an appropriate management plan based on all of this information and your expectations of your healthcare. This plan may involve further treatment and your Osteopath may provide education and advice to help you manage your condition between treatments such as giving you exercises to do at home or work. You will be given the opportunity to ask questions about the nature, extent and purpose of the treatment before your consent is obtained and treatment is performed (if the patient is under 18 years of age a parent or legal guardian is required to attend for this purpose.) If you do require any subsequent Osteopathic Consultations these usually last between 15 and 30mins duration.
In some cases it may be concluded after the discussion and examination that Osteopathic Treatment may not be the best approach for your complaint and appropriate referral will be advised or more information sought before continuing.
All information discussed, observed and obtained during your consultation is confidential.